Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall 2010

Okay, I am making a NEW commitment to blog at least once a week...or month. LOL I am having a hard time keeping up with a full time job, homeschooling Judson and Caroline, keeping the house going, and NOW getting my doctorate in pharmacy for the next three years. Whew! I know through all this madness that I must rely on my God. I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Somehow, with God in control, the hours will multiply in my day to accomplish all that I need to do. Priorities are first and foremost, my relationship with God and my family.

That aside, fall 2010 is awesome! The weather is gorgeous, Auburn football is so exciting (we are 7-0), and it has been fun watching Judson play football again. His team is 6-2 and they won their game this past Saturday in double overtime. Caroline is a member of the CFAF Orchestra this year and just had her first babysitting job. We have been on a field trip to the zoo and it was a blast. The kids loved the pandas, the baby gorilla and the baby giraffe.

1 comment:

JJ said...

Yay! I marvel at all you do, Michele. Priorities are the most important so if blogging doesn't fit in, don't sweat it! Hope to see you guys very soon! Love you.