Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Just returned from a SCREAM retreat with 40 4th and 5th graders from Creekside United Methodist Church. It was a blast! I screamed, worshipped, danced, ran, played games, prayed, pranked and loved every minute of it. The worst part were the bathrooms and not having water for 12 hours. It was a beautiful site at Athens Y Camp in Toccoa, GA. God renewed me and also gave me a new ministry....5th grade girls. I connected with them and came back asking to be involved in SS ministry for that age group next year. I look forward to all that God has planned and I rejoice for the chance to help these girls connect with Jesus. I accepted Jesus at age ten but was not directed or helped out as to how to live out my faith. I pray that I God will work through me to teach them how to do that. God is GOOD!

BTW, SCREAM is Students Celebrating Rejoicing Enthusiastically, in the Almighty Messiah!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Jekyll Island 2010 (215 photos), by Michele Meadows

We went to Jekyll Island with five other homeschool families for a three day 4H camp. It was awesome! We had classes from 8am until 8pm each day. It wore us out! The kids learned about three months worth of science in three days.
Click here to view photos