Thursday, August 13, 2009

Brant gets an iPhone and goes mobile with the kids....

Due to the economy and the decrease in real estate market, I have taken a 7 on 7 off job at the hospital. Brant has taken the kids to Whitewater Park and Six Flags in the last two weeks. He has been able to do this because of the iPhone and being able to work on the go. Here are some photos from their trips!

Hooper Academy 25th High School Class Reunion

On July 25th, my class at Hooper Academy held its 25th class reunion. It was great to see old friends and reconnect with them. Alot of us have facebook pages and have become "friends" again through the Internet. Tina Bullard and I have remained close through the years and I can honestly say that she is still my best friend. We went to the reunion together because Brant had to stay and be with Judson for football evaluations.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Judson is playing football!

Judson has asked to play football for a few years now but finally Mom gave in! :) We were told that he would probably cry and whine and want to quit after the first couple of practices. Not Judson! He was ready to go back for more! Of course, he hasn't gotten HIS lights knocked out yet, but he has levelled some other boys. After hearing about this, Mom asked him if he apologized to the other boy (who had to go home after Judson knocked the wind out of him). Judson and Brant thought Mom was crazy to suggest such a thing! Judson said, "You don't apologize in football!". Here are some pics from his first practice!