Guess which scenario happened at our house on Christmas morning?
A. The kids snuck downstairs and saw all their presents early.
B. The kids waited patiently until Mom and Dad got 8 hours of sleep before
waking them up to see what Santa brought.
C. The kids woke Mom and Dad up at 2:30 a.m. to see if Santa came and stayed up until 5am without going back to sleep.
Answer: C
Can you believe that? Whew! Care actually went back to sleep for a couple of hours but Judson stayed up reading until the minimum wake up time of 5am was reached.
Presents from Santa:
Judson - crossbow (yes, that is legal) and an iPod shuffle
Caroline - Nellie, an American Girl doll, a keyboard, and an iPod shuffle
From Mom and Dad:
Judson - all the crossbow "stuff"
Caroline - 3 mini American girl dolls and their book sets
Lots of stocking stuffers!
Here are some pics from the event.
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